It’s been really inspiring to see people come together over the last few weeks. The powerful message that terms like “Left” and “Right” don’t matter and it’s really the masses versus our malicious and corrupt elites gains more and more ground every day. We The People need to stand united against this threat, especially as the corporations and the politicians try to divide us. I’ve put together a list of a few non-elites who rightwingers could team up with to take down our evil system.
Tim Hernández
Tim is a school teacher who was recently voted into the Colorado House of Representatives by a special committee of Democratic legislators. In January 2021, Tim said “I am absolutely advocating for a Cultural Revolution where we dismantle individual and systemic White supremacy.”
Despite his controversial statements, Tim is firmly on the side of the workers against the elites and has even indicated that he’d be up to form an alliance against effete urban intellectuals, stating “Your theory will not save you. The revolution… will happen in the hood. It will not be led by who understand Lenin best, it will not be led by the deepest Marxists. The revolution will be led by the people. … And I say all of this because I’m a teacher.”
Maria Meza
Maria is a mother from Honduras who travelled with an NGO-sponsored immigrant caravan to claim asylum in the US. She was with a large group of immigrants who rushed the border fence and started to throw rocks, prompting border guards to deploy tear gas against them. In 2018 her and her 5 children were granted asylum in the United States, successfully overcoming the walls the elites have placed between us.
Gaige Grosskreutz (Current name unknown)
Gaige is a former whitewater rafting guide and paramedic, a man who dedicated his life to public service. On the night of August 25, 2020, Gaige was acting as a medic for the community group “The People’s Revolution Movement” and as an ACLU legal observer during the tumultuous protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Grosskreutz heard gunshots and saw young Kyle Rittenhouse fleeing the scene of another shooting. Grosskreutz pursued Rittenhouse, who by then had been taken down by other protestors who didn’t realize that we’re all on the same side. Grosskreutz feigned surrender before drawing a gun on Rittenhouse and Rittenhouse, not knowing that this is the sort of division the elites had been trying to trick us into all along, shot Grosskreutz in the the arm.
In a series of ill-advised online posts during Rittenhouse’s trial for self defense (put on by low-level officials who don’t understand that it’s really just the American people versus Washington fat cats) Grosskreutz indicated that he was currently providing firearm training to an unspecified radical group. Grosskreutz recently changed his name and his current whereabouts are unknown.
Raz Simone
Raz is a Seattle-based musician and entrepreneur who ran the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ). Fluent in the rich language of the streets, Raz offered leadership during an organic people’s uprising against Seattle’s elites. He and other members of the multiracial working class took over a multi-block area of a city and refused to allow law enforcement (or any other unauthorized personnel) to enter.
Through his visionary leadership, Raz finally achieved what so many rightwingers had dreamed of: getting government out of the picture once and for all. Helping out with this utopian vision was a group of plucky former volunteers for the Kurdish People's Defense Units (YPG). Although these volunteers shot and killed two teenagers for joyriding in their security perimeter, they have never been officially identified or charged with any crime. Many people talk about becoming local warlords or tribal chieftains, but Raz lived it. His experience cannot be discounted.
George Floyd (hologram)
America’s hometown hero. George had a colorful career as an actor, community mentor, and bouncer before his life was tragically cut short by class traitors. Despite this sad end, his legacy remains with us to this day. This hologram memorial allows him to literally watch over us as we struggle against the elites.
This is just a small sample of potential allies. I really hope that rightwingers lean into their new rhetoric. For too long the politicians and the corporations have tricked us into fighting each other. We all want the same things, after all. Left-wing? Right-wing? These are just meaningless words—tools for big business to confuse and divide us. The people, united, will never be defeated. Once the elites figure out that it’s just US against THEM then they’ll start really getting scared.
This man puts out content at a furious pace. I cannot recommend strongly enough that you subscribe to the truly excellent Conundrum Cluster Substack.
Will you please stop pointing that gun at me now?
You have me laughing in the work bathroom on the shitter I hate you lol, I hope nobody heard me because George Floyd(hologram) launched my sides into orbit