There’s been a lot of discussion over the state of America’s occupational regime. Although some naysayers claim that the Biden administration and the Democrats are stronger than ever, this is simply not the case. The current regime, in fact, is on its very last legs. I’ve put together a list of signs that a regime is on the verge of collapse. This list is the result of decades of careful research and study by some of the finest political scientists and historians on the planet.
Analysis of this list shows that the situation for liberals isn’t as rosy as it may appear. The more of these events occur, the closer conservatives are to victory in any given historical situation.
Liberal swing-state governors unilaterally suspending constitutional rights for no reason with zero risk of physical reprisal
Liberals jailing political opponents for decades based on bogus charges
Liberals charging their chief election rival, the current frontrunner, with dozens of dubious felonies
Liberals brazenly extracting wealth from the state and giving it to themselves
Liberals spreading social dysfunction through the public school system with no concern over physical backlash
Liberal political allies operating armed checkpoints in major cities in conservative states with no real punishment
Liberal political allies murdering political opponents at political rallies in broad daylight with no repercussions for anyone involved
Liberals staging huge illegal rallies in conservative state capitols after a liberal went on a shooting rampage at a children’s school, with no substantive political or legal consequences imposed on liberals by conservative state officials
Liberal political allies shooting people at armed checkpoints in conservative states only for it to take years for their trials to even begin
Liberal police officers performing unnecessary high-risk raids in conservative states where they kill critics of the regime without accountability
Military officers calling the leaders of other countries to tell them that the conservative president is actually not in control of the country’s military, with no consequences or reprisal
Liberals being able to assemble dozens of armed paramilitaries to “protect” sexualized performances for children in conservative states
Military officers simply ignoring orders from a conservative president to pull out of another country they have been mysterious occupying for years
Liberals destroying quality of life in virtually every major city they take control of, with the only consequence being that their election numbers go higher
Liberals bringing in millions of foreigners each year and providing them with public funds and preferential hiring and admissions treatment
Liberals hiring illegal immigrants as police officers
Liberals suing business owners for not hiring enough illegal immigrants
Liberal federal officials suing conservative state officials when they attempt to exercise a modicum of authority that they unambiguously have held for decades
Federal courts blocking attempts by state government to enforce laws that the federal government refuses to enforce for political reasons
Liberal politicians brazenly advocating for political violence and supporting ongoing rioting, including providing bail money for the rioters
Liberals creating a propaganda regime so totalitarian that millions of people believe in a conservative terrorist threat that has no bearing in reality, lies that are echoed by senior law enforcement officials
Liberals using control of the education system and media to convince people of the existence of historical atrocities that didn’t happen in an effort to delegitimize the nation’s history
Liberals using a compliance test to fire thousands of conservative military officers and have them replaced by liberals
Conservative celebrities being unwilling to even identify as conservative, instead claiming neutrality after conservatives propel them to superstardom and riches while liberals try to destroy them
Astute readers may notice that many of these events have occurred in America. Liberals simply can’t take much more of this. With a few more decades of wins like these, conservatives will be well on their way to victory.
Victory so close I can taste it! Any day now!
Ah, this was sarcasm. I get it now.