Good afternoon everyone! I’m just making myself some afternoon coffee while I watch a small herd of Nigerian Dwarf goats lose their minds over a ball I bought them at Target.
This week was the most productive yet. The elite members of the Patrician Ultraman Group (P.U.G.) held their first classic game night last Sunday and it was a lot of fun. Our first game was Zombie Panic! Source and it went so well that I think we’re going to do another in a few weeks (P.U.G. members be on the lookout for an exclusive email soon). If you want to join us in the future, the Patrician Ultraman subscription tier is just $15 more than the regular annual subscription.
There were also an astounding eight new articles this week. I’m sure at some point this manic episode will end and I’ll be nonfunctional for a while, but I’m taking the good times as they come now. Most notably, the first of three articles on famed civil rights lawyer Clarence Darrow went live as part of my ongoing series on the First Red Scare (1917-1920). If you want to catch up, you can read the first two articles in the First Red Scare series, one on the trials of Sacco and Vanzetti and another giving an overview of a forgotten series of church attacks committed by the IWW union in 1914. I have most of the articles on the key events of the First Red Scare already written, but as my research progresses I keep finding incidents in the preceding years that provide invaluable context to the main drama.
Finally, I’d like to humbly request that anyone who’s been enjoy the free content on this Substack become a paid subscriber. The paid subscription is only $5 a month. It’s tough to pump this stuff out so regularly and I am not in a position where I can work for free. If less than 1/4th of 1% of monthly viewers of this Substack became paid subscribers, I’d never have to ask again. I’m begging you. Pleading. I’m sobbing in public and people are staring at me. Please, become a paid subscriber right now.
Descriptions of the articles this week are as follows:
ACLU hero Clarence Darrow bribed juror to try to free bombers who killed 21 people (Free) - Introducing the infamous 1910 Los Angeles Times bombing case, in which union organizers blew up the L.A. Times building as part of a larger terror campaign to silence critics of unions. The explosion and ensuing fire killed 21 innocent people. Influential civil rights lawyer Clarence Darrow took up the union organizers’ case, claimed they were framed, stated that no bombing even occurred and that it was all really a conspiracy by big business, and then got caught red-handed trying to bribe a juror to vote to acquit during the trial. It’s a great story and one that has mostly been scrubbed from Darrow’s legacy as a crusader for truth and justice
Watch-along #2: The North Water E2 (Paid) - The second entry in the Watch-along series. I made these to provide more value to paid subscribers. Every week these offer trivia and live commentary on an episode of a given series. The first series is The North Water, a classic tail of adventure and murder on an arctic voyage. I think people like these so far
Conservative Underpants Gnomes (Free) - Reviews post-liberal British philosopher John Gray’s negative review of notable internet commentator Bronze Age Pervert’s book Bronze Age Mindset. Although Gray was very hostile to BAP, a lot of his criticisms seem poorly thought-out. In particular, Gray claimed that it was a conservative working class movement, and not BAP’s elitism, that would drive future successes. In my article, I dispute the idea that a conservative working class movement even exists and try to describe the Underpants Gnome logic on this and other topics that’s pervasive in conservative spaces
Newsom is their guy for 2024 (Free) - Makes the case that, contrary to popular wisdom, California Governor Gavin Newsom is both running and will be a formidable opponent for Republicans in 2024
Heroic former football star and Army paratrooper takes stand against mental health circlejerk (Free) - Covers the surprisingly large controversy surrounding former Arkansas football star and combat veteran Jake Bequette’s dismissal of University of Arkansas head coach’s Sam Pittman call for greater mental health awareness and condemnation of social media following two huge losses
Tim Pool justifies blacks beating unconscious white teen to death and then blocking rescue (Free) - Details political commentator Tim Pool’s bizarre and lazy defense of the acquittal of two black men for beating an unconscious white teenager to death after the teenager sprayed them with a gel blaster. The black men made an obviously fake self-defense claim which the jury and Pool accepted at face value
"Protestor" who condemned BLM shooting victim arrested for terrorism in Georgia (Free) - Another article on the aftermath of the 2020 George Floyd riots. An observant reader noticed that one of the leftist activists employed to create the record surrounding the victim of a BLM roadblock shooting in Aurora ended up being arrested for terrorism in Georgia this month
Gavin Newsom wins Republican primary debate (Free) - Responds to the September 27 Republican primary debate, namely Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s missteps during and after it. Although the DeSantis campaign is going nowhere fast, it is providing an enormous benefit to the Democratic ticket in 2024, particularly probable contender California Governor Gavin Newsom
That’s all, folks! See you next week. Complete catalog below
General Wrangel asks “What’s in a name?” (Paid)
The 1932 Bonus Army scandal was always communist propaganda (Paid)
How Marshal Mannerheim saved his country by quitting and telling everyone to fuck off (Paid)
Sacco and Vanzetti were always guilty (Paid)
IM-1776 publishes Conundrum Cluster article! (Free)
In March 1914, socialist mobs invaded and shook-down churches all over New York City (Paid)
ACLU hero Clarence Darrow bribed juror to try to free bombers who killed 21 people (Free)
Tim Pool justifies blacks beating unconscious white teen to death and then blocking rescue (Free)
Current Events
Judge gives BLM gunman 70 days in jail for firing at car on highway, hitting bystanders (Free)
BLM gunman convicted of manslaughter, not murder, for shooting police officer to death (Free)
Daughter of cyclist murdered by “teens” tells people not to draw obvious conclusions (Free)
Newsom is their guy for 2024 (Free)
Heroic former football star and Army paratrooper takes stand against mental health circlejerk (Free)
Tim Pool justifies blacks beating unconscious white teen to death and then blocking rescue (Free)
"Protestor" who condemned BLM shooting victim arrested for terrorism in Georgia (Free)
Gavin Newsom wins Republican primary debate (Free)
Culture & Politics
Gingergate (Free)
The Yellowstoning of Oliver Anthony (Free)
On the need for Conservative Pulp (Free)
Clown Car Crash (Free)
The DeSantis Martha's Vineyard stunt was still very dumb (Free)
Revolutionaries vs. Counter-revolutionaries (Free)
ALERT! The Boomers are fedposting (Free)
"Comedian" crafts the myth of the 21st century on Netflix (Free)
Conservative Underpants Gnomes (Free)
I might get cancelled for saying this, but… (Free)
List of potential allies against the elites (Free)
Signs that a regime is on the brink of destruction (Free)
Did you see Tucker Carlson in front of a live boomercon audience was talking about Always With Honor and the life of Gen Wrangel...PATRIQTS ARE IN CONTROL THEY BOUGHT THE BOOK
Also the game night was fun, I'm looking forward to more. I wonder if it's worth setting up a discord or soemthing for it so people are more willing to talk lol, took a while for everyone to stop being shy