Another week in the books! Thank you very much to everyone who has subscribed, whether or free or paid. Subscriber numbers are slowly but surely ticking up. If you enjoy any of the articles you see posted here, feel free to share screencaps of them. Growing the Substack without an outside presence is going to be difficult. Sharing the articles with people who you think would be interested in them really is much appreciated.
I’ve been putting together history articles for paid subscribers at a steady pace, I already have several months of content prepared. Next week I’ll post the first in a long series of articles on the First Red Scare (1918-1919). Although today popular histories describe the period as a time of unjustified reactionary paranoia and arbitrary civil liberties violations, a closer examination reveals that America really did have a serious problem with violent and accelerating radicalism originating from overseas.
In light of this violence (and the mass casualties it produced), the government and the public’s harsh response to communism, anarchism, and the facilitators of the far left is better understood as a successful counterrevolution. The cycle of perpetual unrest that had derailed and ultimately destroyed the Russian Empire was stopped in its infancy by determined government officials and patriotic Americans.
I think you’re really going to like this series.
I wish I could make all the history content free, but I really do spend a lot of time and effort on these articles. More subscribers means more freedom and more time for articles. Please become a paid subscriber. It’s only $5 a month. I promise you’ll enjoy the paywalled history content (listed in the catalog below). There will also be another series of bonus posts for paid subscribers starting next week that I won’t spoil. Let’s just say we’re going to dark places.
This week there were four new articles:
How Marshal Mannerheim saved his country by quitting and telling everyone to fuck off (Paid) - An introduction to the 1918 Finnish Civil War (more on this to come) and the actions that led to Marshal Mannerheim, the national hero of Finland, rising to his role of supreme commander of anti-communist forces
The DeSantis Martha's Vineyard stunt was still very dumb (Free) - Follow-up on the special delivery of illegal immigrants to the country’s wealthiest liberal enclave by Florida governor and one-time presidential contender Ron DeSantis. Pushes back on conservative attempts to rehabilitate this stunt (which fizzled out quickly) and places liberal complaints about the migrant surge in context with their real-world actions
Revolutionaries vs. Counter-revolutionaries (Free) - Outlines what I believe is the big obstacle to rightwingers forming an effective response to leftwing aggression: rightwingers continue to frame themselves and their problems through a fundamentally leftwing lens
ALERT! The Boomers are fedposting (Free) - Offers a response to the common claim that the fedposting of our beloved Boomers implies that good things are on the horizon for the American Right
Just a reminder: members of the elite Patrician Ultraman Group (P. U. G.) subscription tier will be enjoying their first classic game night later this month. It’s Zombie Panic! Source will be the inaugural game. Details to come. If you want to upgrade and join us, it’s only $15 more than the regular yearly subscription.
General Wrangel asks “What’s in a name?” (Paid)
The 1932 Bonus Army scandal was always communist propaganda (Paid)
How Marshal Mannerheim saved his country by quitting and telling everyone to fuck off (Paid)
Culture & Politics
Gingergate (Free)
The Yellowstoning of Oliver Anthony (Free)
On the need for Conservative Pulp (Free)
Clown Car Crash (Free)
The DeSantis Martha's Vineyard stunt was still very dumb (Free)
Revolutionaries vs. Counter-revolutionaries (Free)
ALERT! The Boomers are fedposting (Free)