While I certainly appreciate that the article's author goes pretty hard at Minhaj, I did find her comment about the "often insidious nature of racism in American suburbs" a bit grating. The fact that this asshole, like many other nonwhites, has become rich, famous, and influential while supposedly suffering under the yoke of our insidiously racist society doesn't seem to have caused her to question her worldview. Odd that you can make such a good living by railing openly against a supposedly powerful and oppressive system of white supremacy. You'd think one would be afraid of the severe repercussions for doing so.

Oh well, she writes for the New Yorker, so I shouldn't expect anything other than the standard leftist pieties. Still nice to see that some of these people give at least a passing thought to objective truth.

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A lot of progs are like this. Tradition and reality are "oppressive", so anything they can do to destroy those things are justified in order to get one more step towards utopia.

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Literally every high profile hate-crime that has ever been reported has been a hoax/ fraud perpetrated by the victim, no exceptions

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The Billy Madison "but you can imagine if it was" meme seems to fit here, quite literally.

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Who had Conundrum unironically recommending a New Yorker article on his Bingo card? Ha!

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I can't believe people fall for this stuff, like late 90s and early 00s Davis CA is just a hotbed of petty bigotry towards dot-not-feather Indians

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Thoughts on the Shane Gillis special?

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Haven’t seen it, I haven’t watched standup in years. I used to really like Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn

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Highly recommend. Lots of political commentary in it -- he feigns a dudebro perspective, but there's stuff going on under the surface.

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A cultured king

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Dave Smith has a new 30 minute special on Youtube that is pretty funny. He's a "libertarian comedian" but this particular special is more just anti-political correctness than anything.

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Most Asians don't dislike Whites. However, they are only in America for the money. They look at the Jews and Good Whites and see that:

1. Never mention Jewish power or black crime

2. Demonizing Whites in general but particularly Bad Whites is a smart career move especially if you work in entertainment or the news media.

It is even worse with Indians (than other Asians) who come from a higher caste because they see that Whites are a lower caste.

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"They’re also completely crazy and something needs to be done to prevent them from having any influence on society."

A 9mm and a ditch would be my ideal.

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sodomite too I bet.

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