this was posted on twitter earlier today by some bros in our sphere but it is highly likely that the DoJ has a specific team to control the narrative on these types of incidents. is the link to the relevant unit. I wonder what a FOIA request would dredge up regarding past incidents.
Scott Greer has written on this before. It's particularly interesting to contrast the immediate forgiveness white victims show black perpetrators to the demands for justice and vengeance white victims show white perpetrators.
This phenomenon of victim's families immediately offering some form of forgiveness or massaging their reaction as some holier than thou cuckery, is just more proof of the successful brainwashing campaign.
They're so brainwashed that they can't even trust their own inherent emotional reaction to these vile acts, and instead, instantly think in terms of "What does the establishment want me to say?".
It's really quite sick!
If you want to "forgive them", do it the day after they are executed for their crimes, but not one minute earlier.
A fish rots from the head down. These people see the lawlessness exemplified starting in the Whitehouse and it flows downhill. You see how this "kill whitey" agenda is destroying the once great nation of South Africa!
It's hard to imagine this situation getting better anytime soon. Yes we weathered the 60's, but the USA isn't even the same country that made it through those times anymore. We are staring into the abyss.
Every caucasian in the dis-United States, especially the pale soccer moms sporting BLM T-shirts, should read, nay, memorize this essay. White people aren't allowed to have "organizations" because, according to the obviously salivating P.R. vultures and their controlled media, that's racist. Until whites shun that magic word and stand up for themselves and their families, they will continue to grovel at the feet of their colored murderers. Like debased pledges, "thank you, sir may I have another".
Blacks are very fine people but this unjust legal system makes them dangerous for white people to be around and interact with. The danger comes, not from the black people, but from dishonest judges, government attorneys, and juries. The effect is to drive a wedge between Americans who otherwise are fair minded people.
If blacks are such fine people, please explain that graph. There are fine blacks, for sure and there are fine caucasians. Unfortunately, there are not enough fine blacks. And that explains that graph.
Has the graph been adjusted to compare groups with comparable income and wealth? Other than pride, all sin is associated with pleasing a flesh body. It is much easier to avoid sin when one has a satisfied flesh body. This is a fact regardless of skin color.
As a matter of fact, during the >Great Depression of the 1930s, violent crime diminished. MURDER is not an act than be "understood" or justified based on material status.
You're a pathetic family and pathetic daughter. Those animals slew your Dad, for goodness cold blood...because they thought it would be fun or a good video. Get with the program, LOSER...make NOISE and make sure that they're PUNISHED. LIBTARDS like yourself continue to ruin this country and let crime run rampant.
this was posted on twitter earlier today by some bros in our sphere but it is highly likely that the DoJ has a specific team to control the narrative on these types of incidents. is the link to the relevant unit. I wonder what a FOIA request would dredge up regarding past incidents.
Scott Greer has written on this before. It's particularly interesting to contrast the immediate forgiveness white victims show black perpetrators to the demands for justice and vengeance white victims show white perpetrators.
This phenomenon of victim's families immediately offering some form of forgiveness or massaging their reaction as some holier than thou cuckery, is just more proof of the successful brainwashing campaign.
They're so brainwashed that they can't even trust their own inherent emotional reaction to these vile acts, and instead, instantly think in terms of "What does the establishment want me to say?".
It's really quite sick!
If you want to "forgive them", do it the day after they are executed for their crimes, but not one minute earlier.
Great Article!
A fish rots from the head down. These people see the lawlessness exemplified starting in the Whitehouse and it flows downhill. You see how this "kill whitey" agenda is destroying the once great nation of South Africa!
If they don't want the death penalty, can we please banish them from civilization? They've proven that they can't be civilized to regular people.
Antarctica works
They did the same thing to Germans after WWII.
Yoofs. Hedindonuffin.
There is a race war going on in America against Whites and you need to pick a side.
blame soros wef blm and antifa firstly and the low iq haters who allow themselves to be brainwashed as well
It's hard to imagine this situation getting better anytime soon. Yes we weathered the 60's, but the USA isn't even the same country that made it through those times anymore. We are staring into the abyss.
Every caucasian in the dis-United States, especially the pale soccer moms sporting BLM T-shirts, should read, nay, memorize this essay. White people aren't allowed to have "organizations" because, according to the obviously salivating P.R. vultures and their controlled media, that's racist. Until whites shun that magic word and stand up for themselves and their families, they will continue to grovel at the feet of their colored murderers. Like debased pledges, "thank you, sir may I have another".
Blacks are very fine people but this unjust legal system makes them dangerous for white people to be around and interact with. The danger comes, not from the black people, but from dishonest judges, government attorneys, and juries. The effect is to drive a wedge between Americans who otherwise are fair minded people.
If blacks are such fine people, please explain that graph. There are fine blacks, for sure and there are fine caucasians. Unfortunately, there are not enough fine blacks. And that explains that graph.
Has the graph been adjusted to compare groups with comparable income and wealth? Other than pride, all sin is associated with pleasing a flesh body. It is much easier to avoid sin when one has a satisfied flesh body. This is a fact regardless of skin color.
this reminds me of reactions to animals (e.g., wolf, bear) killing somebody. you don't blame the animal, it is just following its feral instincts.
what's different here? /s
We know precisely what the problem is and we know precisely who it is, but God forbid we should ever speak it out loud.
Follow Scott Adams' advice.
As a matter of fact, during the >Great Depression of the 1930s, violent crime diminished. MURDER is not an act than be "understood" or justified based on material status.
You're a pathetic family and pathetic daughter. Those animals slew your Dad, for goodness cold blood...because they thought it would be fun or a good video. Get with the program, LOSER...make NOISE and make sure that they're PUNISHED. LIBTARDS like yourself continue to ruin this country and let crime run rampant.