Mar 31Liked by Conundrum Cluster

This is really interesting. My grandparents were immigrants from what is now Romania, who arrived in 1912 and 1913. They both passed before I was born, but my mother and aunts used to tell how my grandfather (a factory worker) ran afoul of labor organizers, who threw bricks through their windows and on one occasion attacked him with knives.

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My cousin's grandfather was a scab, and also a semi-pro boxer. Let's just say the union people assigned to rough him up had a bad time.

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Mar 31Liked by Conundrum Cluster

This is great research. Very well done.

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FDR won the presidency in 1932, not 1934

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Apr 3Liked by Conundrum Cluster

thats where they got the name in Bioshock from

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Mar 31Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Great deep historical dive illustrating the problems we have today.

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Didn't see this in my hood, had I known

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Apr 2Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Weren’t all those scientists in “Oppenheimer” all Commies?

“Marxists” to Give an academic veneer

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As unfair as it is, the left had the right reaction with the J6 protestors. You use your power to make it too painful to question it. If such an overwhelming display of force was shown toward immigration NGO's, to the point where everyone associated with trafficking was looking at 5+ years, we would see the border rush stop overnight.

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Excellent post!

McCarthy was not wrong, but he didn't really know how right he was, nor did the idiot masses, who were swayed by the then cults of personality embodied in the socially radical cesspool of Hollywood.

I've said many times, this rot, this infection, this subversion of our country started long before people started noticing it - and as with all radical insurgencies, by then it's too late.

Of course by the time McCarthy raised questions, the subversion had taken root in corporations, finance, entertainment, and government at all levels. You can see this pattern/strategy repeating, in all sectors of society today.

The actions in your last 3 paragraphs are critically needed, however it cannot be understated that those actions and the apparatuses needed to effect them, are captured - on the whole. So as in McCarthy's day, you must first overcome the radicals you are fighting - who sit in the very seats of power needed to prosecute and punish them.

You cannot do this unless you can pull the bleating masses out of their manufactured and tightly embraced stupors - social media, entertainment, sports, influencers, porn, drugs - and get them to understand and act. That is not easily done, as history has shown and is evidenced by the presence of self avowed communists sitting in congressional seats.

The insurgents (past and present) understood that the incremental demoralization of a given society would produce fertile ground for the seeds of apathy, mediocrity and opposition to be planted - with respect to peoples interest and involvement in their own government. They understood that you could easily replace that sense of responsibility and interest with 3 things. Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment. That strategy was pushed hard just after WW2, by the corporatists (for profit) and the radicals (for ideological and agenda implementation).

The concern today should not only be the past and current home grown radicals and insurgents, but the future ones. You have a strata of "new" radicals/socialists/communists/globalists/transhumanist in each and every grade level - across the world. From day one, they have been taught, groomed, indoctrinated and handed a new "normal'. One that is steeped in radicalism, that was birthed long before Tannenbaum.

Each and every year going forward, a group of these new radicals will walk out of the indoctrination school and add their voices and efforts to the mass decline of societies across the globe. It may be sooner, if the left is successful at passing law allowing teens to vote - which has been on their agenda for at least 10 years.

These next generations will have no understanding of the perils of these radical agendas, because they will have grown up under those banners and see the idiology as normal, right and correct. They in turn will fight for it to the death to maintain and defend them, so long as they have Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment. For those who think that's off base, I point you to the recent flood of children telling elected officials they'd kill themselves, if social media was taken away.

There is much to do and so little time, before attrition closes the door of opportunity.

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As documented in J. Anthony Lukas' book "Big Trouble", there was a "secret" civil war between labor and industrialists that started around 1890 and lasted until WW1. Working conditions were frequently horrible, such as the well known exploitation of coal miners in factory towns. Like it or not, the revolutionary excess of the (sometimes insane) protestors did contribute to labor reforms. The industrialists were able to divide the western farm populists, the midwestern and eastern labor radicals in heavy manufacturing and textile factories and defeat them with private armies (Pinkertons) using violent, illegal tactics similar to those used by violent radicals.


www. goodreads. com /book/show/416710.Big_Trouble

Ironically, the movement started by such labor radicals ended with FDR's labor policies cartelizing labor under the corporate-state and industrial monopolies. By the late 1960s, the college-educated counterculture "left" had begun to throw the working classes under the bus in favor of "identity politics". Civil Rights laws offered new, lucrative ways for race grifters to exploit "social justice" sensibilities. Thus the roots of "wokeism" were planted in the manure pile of USA politics.

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"born to poor Jewish parents" lol. Every. Single. Time.

Great read, thanks

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Interesting...I wonder what would happen if a Protestant did the same to Jewish Synagogues?

It is clear to me that Marxism is anti-Christian to the core.

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Many years ago, a local ecclesiastical leader near me was unabashedly saying that the civil rights movement was a communist plot. He was widely criticized for that, and people distance themselves from what he said. Even 50 years later. But this guy sat down in a personal conversation with Khrushchev. He knew how the game was played. And he was proven right.

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Back in those savage times before creating federal debt was considered a good thing, for which the left should thank Reagan.

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Genius writing. The left and the Bolsheviks continue -”you fail to produce immediate and severe consequences for activists who terrorize the public without compunction, you will be seeing them again and again. Everyone in that crowd should have gone to jail for a long time. There are too many Tannenbaums out there and they need to be stopped before they can do real damage.”

We are repeating history.

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