Apr 10Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Blackpilling is the other menace, people determined to look at everything in the most catastrophic & hysterical way and spread that feeling to as many people as possible. "If you don't agree with me on this point The West Has Fallen. Look at this video, it's already happening!" God, shut up will you?

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Apr 10Liked by Conundrum Cluster

A Masterpiece,Conundrum.

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Apr 11Liked by Conundrum Cluster

"We'll see what happens" is a genius phrase, so long as it's coupled with something to indicate preparation. It's relatable and indicates a willingness not to over react to provocation or whatever. This is especially important in the context of war with Iran, for example.

It's a great example of Trump's excellent popularist instincts. I bet leftists hate it.

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Apr 12Liked by Conundrum Cluster

When the everything is in decay, even stagnation is still growth.

Keep Cool with Coolidge.

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Apr 11Liked by Conundrum Cluster

So good man

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lots of stupid impulsive people on the right in high places. i think a lot of people who otherwise would be perfect in those positions are too modest to try; you can see this phenomenon in college conservative groups, which are usually led by freaks who disincentivize otherwise interested people from joining (our TPUSA chapter is under the purview of a homosexual iranian).

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I read Antony Beevor's _Russia: Revolution and Civil War, 1917-1921_ and came away with the same conclusion. There are very few people who hate Communists more than I do, and by the end of the book, I was vaguely in favor of the Communists. That's how inept and corrupt the White forces were.

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Excellent piece.

As to abortion, it’s clearly a 10A issue, which Dobbs clearly decided. If the GOP wants to continue being crushed, it should keep rejecting the individual rights of women, leading only to the Longhouse, a Democrat party free to go as far left as they want with the majority of women being single-issue voters, and society devolving into empathy-based catastrophe of open borders, decarcerated thugs, women being attacked in the streets, 100,000 drug deaths annually, and below-replacement fertility that will, because it only can, result in the expiration of Western Civ.

A woman’s choice on abortion is HER CHOICE. That the GOP insists it is not only will destroy the nation.

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