I don’t identify with either political party
There are bad people on both sides
Poor people are good, rich people are bad
It’s really regular people versus the elite
The color of your skin doesn’t matter, the rich are trying to divide us
Every single social fad is just a way for the rich to make more MONEY
I’m willing to reach across the aisle to let felons and drug users own guns
I don’t see how changes to society even affect you
I think both the Left and the Right have good ideas
We need a multiracial working class struggle to overthrow the white bourgeoisie
I guess you could say I’m neutral, that means you can’t disagree with me
Follow the money
I agree with the Right on 90% of the issues and nominally oppose the Left but I oppose voting and voted for a third party candidate
Caring about things is just a way for the corporations to make money
We should put our differences aside to come together on some stupid bullshit issue that doesn’t matter at all in the grand scheme of things
How does widespread drug use even affect you?
Both sides have their extremists
I defy conventional labels even though I’m basically a normal Republican
The politicians just care about making money
This historical far left terrorist movement/rebellion was good because they had guns and identified as farmers or workers or whatever
Maybe you just aren’t tough enough to live in this new shithole
I hate the Left AND the Right
What if we just made a new political party centered around some fantasy that has no realistic chance of ever being achieved?
The corporations and the politicians
Both sides are lying to us if you really think about it
Everything I like is apolitical and shouldn’t be scrutinized
We need union for industrial workers of the world
If something has the word local in it then it is good
Sure, I recognize this is an issue, but doing something about it is going too far
You care about something? You’re just part of their game
We don’t need Left or Right, we need this new term I just made up that could realistically be applied to anything
The Rich
It was always about elites vs us, not right vs left. If both sides could shut up and think for a moment, the elites would be done for
I don't agree with everything you have to say but I will fight to the death and even send my children to have their legs blown off in Ukraine for your right to say it.
Plz provide referenced, peer reviewed sources that I agree with and meet my unattainable standards that include correcting for unconscious bias.