Aug 27, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

I don't agree with everything you have to say but I will fight to the death and even send my children to have their legs blown off in Ukraine for your right to say it.

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Wtf? There is nobody in Ukraine trying to stop anyone from speaking their mind in the United States. What a sick thing to say about your children.

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I think you missed his/ her point.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Plz provide referenced, peer reviewed sources that I agree with and meet my unattainable standards that include correcting for unconscious bias.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

This won’t change until it’s cool to be right wing.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

“I know this is controversial but...”

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster


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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

... Well I converted to catholicism a couple of weeks ago and I can tell you it's not actually about culture war stuff, it's about letting left wing people do whatever they want

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

True status: Real

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Look, it's definitely crazy the way the left uses the deep state to criminalize all forms of opposition, coerces corporations to control speech, releases criminals, views your children as their property, and foments hatred of ordinary Americans like us among their BIPOC underclass

But Republicans are banning books and some of them go to church unironically

Both sides are equally bad, ok?

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It is a good idea to check what they are actually banning... not just parroting Democrats' narrative.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

"I guess you could say I’m neutral, that means you can’t disagree with me"

It's manufactured apathy. The people falling for it sure feel good about themselves when they repeat the mantra.

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster


I'll take my upvotes and retweets now, thanks.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

The whole "Elites are just trying to divide us" really gets under my skin.

Umm, I don't know, maybe, but irrespective of that, you should probably want to be divided from people who believe men and women are literally the same thing, children can choose to be chemically castrated, defending Ukraine is worth WWIII, etc.,

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

It's about time someone spoke truth to power like this!

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

These platitudes will receive rabid support from 'normal conservatives' imo because they are functionally the same platitudes they believe in, and are coming from people with the same goals as normie conservatives.

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If a system is defined by its behavior, Conservatism is the political poison of endless greed. Its adherents preach it purely to try and get a personal slice of the pie, nothing more. And it's been this way since the 1890s and even earlier; Arguably, even, since a hundred years earlier than even that.

This idea of the normies or peasants being given some kind of role beyond that of stupid, useless pawns that follow whichever leader seems strongest is as functional as all of their failed political theories. They are cattle, and will act accordingly, and must be treated accordingly. The only difference between our enemies and ourselves is that we want our herd to prosper and multiply, while they're interested in butchering them wholesale.

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I'm not interested in elections, they're mostly entertainment. Nor, honestly, do I believe there is a real difference between their representatives and their own patterns of behavior; People get what they deserve, and elect whom they vote for. Not just by ballot, but by their own actions and decisions as a collective. Every action taken, is in its own way, a casting of one's vote.

In light of this, democratic energy doesn't really matter at all, let alone work for the Right. Instead, we must look to something that does exist, and can work for the Right. And most importantly, is currently weaponized by our enemies to destructive results: Institutional power.

Institutional power is something real, tangibly felt, and capable of being controlled by its wielder. Having departments, militaries, companies, whatever else being seeded with those who agree with your agenda and recognize what needs to be done to hurt their enemies is why the Left has succeeded so rapidly and triumphantly.

Democratic power, if it even exists, is something that places demands upon its wielder, rather than the other way around, and so is useless, because the masses themselves are useless and ineffective at combatting the ones who seek to butcher them.

Institutional power can only be seized through subversive methods, as the last successful right-wingers did so in the 30s, and 20s, and as the Left has done so ever since. Only when you have your power there, can you actually accomplish anything on a larger scale. Using force to stake your claim, and winning the public by appealing to people's interests and lying to them, are just what follows. People simply love winners more than anything else.

To add to this, one can look at Trump. Both how he gained popularity by appearing harsh and like a winner, and how he lost it by being a loser and a sucker.

His entire tenure was a useless one for the Right. He was, in reality, a grifter who was looking to take advantage of desperate idiots, and unwittingly made himself a symbol of everything that the Left hates and so has doomed himself in the process. But even so - His presidency was one where he was constantly outmaneuvered and outplayed. His allies were useless, his orders ignored, he had no actual power despite having the frenzied masses on his side, and he and his constituents constantly caved in to the left.

The result was that by the time the 6th rolled around, he was so utterly cornered that his own enemies were trying to provoke him into playing hard, just because they wanted an excuse to crack down on him with all their might.

That was the result of his appeal to democracy. It was not even done in the hopes of weaponizing his popularity, but just in getting his own slice of the pie. And the result has been his ruin, just as it would be for any Right-winger foolish enough to think the masses matter.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Write this again so I can like it again.









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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Wow some SPICY 🌶️ takes there.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

I know too many people like this.

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