Oct 31, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Key passage:

"If we use force now we can talk reform later. It is no time to mend the barn door when the horse is being stolen and that is the condition with which we are confronted today. After we kick the aliens out of our country and jail the homebred professional troublemakers it will be time to plan reform, and there is something that can be said in that direction."

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

"These men, as I wish again to emphasize, were homeless and womanless. I have seen hundreds of Russian men in Seattle, but never a woman I have recognized as Russian. From 1900 to 1918 seventy of every one hundred immigrants past nineteen years to reach this country have been males."

That sounds familiar.

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Complete aside, but I lived in San Clemente, CA for many years, and Ole Hanson was the founder of that town and there is a bunch of stuff named after him.

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