Mar 7Liked by Conundrum Cluster

You guys know that image of the attractive blonde girl leaving that department store with a gigantic smile on her face while a bunch of libtard activists are staging a die-in behind her?

That image is what we need to harness to win

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Mar 7Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Excellent article. More of this, please.

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Mar 7Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Demoralized people aren't just useless. They will actively shoot you in the back if you so much as rustle their jimmies.

During COVID (so, 2020-21) I tried to get some local church leaders to hold the line and let individuals make their own decisions about wearing masks. Didn't ask them to publicly say that masks are stupid, or to be noisy about defying public health authorities. No picket lines. No publicized lawsuits. Just quietly, but formally, let it be known that if you wanted to wear a mask, you could, but the church wasn't taking a position one way or the other.

Boy howdy, did I pay for it.

I wasn't asking everyone to fix bayonets and go charging over the top, straight into the enemy machine guns. I wasn't even asking anyone to stick their heads up. I was just trying to hold position.

Instead, I got shot in the back while said leaders retreated in disarray.

Granted, these particular leaders didn't retreat as far as they might have. Small comfort, that. But I haven't forgotten the cowardice that these men displayed. Some of them have since acknowledged that they were wrong, that I was right, and that they'd do things differently if they had to do them again. I'm okay with those guys. Learning from failure is how we get better.

Others have made no such acknowledgments. I will never trust their judgment again. Not until they face their failure, anyway. What a bitter pill that will be for them.

So much the worse for them. I tried to get them to swallow the relevant pill years ago, but I've long since run out. Now, all I've got left are equine suppositories.

I am sick to death of being led by winsome cowards who retreat, defer, and scuff their shoes when it comes to defending those under their care, but fight like demons when anyone tries to get them to do their damn jobs.

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Very important analysis contributing to a greater understanding of this ridiculous situation we find ourselves in. Much of the diving line, in my personal experience, comes down to "people who trust the news" and "people who don't trust the news." This isn't a strictly Left-Right divide either. Lots of so-calles Conservatives basically still trust in the media (for proof see how the news has shaped many GOP voter's views of Trump). They may claim not to trust the news but they implicitly do. Same with progs who claim not to trust the media and corporations but eat up everything they say. Obviously there's a lot more to the equation but this is one of the most simple things I've noticed.

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Mar 7Liked by Conundrum Cluster

I remember 10 years ago feeling immediately outraged reading about the Ahmed clock kid incident. Then the details became more apparent and I wondered "how tf did that happen, why was I so immediately worked up about that?" I still think about it

It's a deep seated programming/mental thing. That's just how it works, and it's DEVASTATINGLY effective.

A lot of people from center left -> far right love to go on and on about Klaus Schwab or whoever, and all of it's for cynical profit. The problem is it's really and endlessly expanding blob of NGO's and a lot of them believe every word they're saying. And they have a shitload of influence.

A guy I know was telling me how his daughter was nagging him about how we can't say "retarded" anymore. School age. Where do we think she got that idea?

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Mar 7Liked by Conundrum Cluster

A refreshing perspective, and I thank you for it. In particular, the point of "truth over trivia." My chief preoccupation is the arts, both high and popular, and I always work from an apolitical place. I'm willing to considers works with modern values and classical values, to explain what I find resonates with me and what we can learn from them as both craftsmen and audience.

The greatest frustration I find his how often people will fall back on blaming conspiracies, back-room dealings, and generally take to philistinism when faced with a work that honestly challenges them. "The CIA bankrolled that," "a money-laundering front," etc. and a puritanical down-spiral that has shown me people up in arms over the au naturel qualities of Renaissance sculpture. Whether there is truth in the claims or not doesn't matter anymore, it's become a deflection, and part of this idea that all we need to do is let "the left fail at the arts," that all the culture we need is in memes, and generally approach things without much forethought. It's beyond a matter of mere tastes, but abdicating any responsibility for cultivating these ideas of beauty and truth thru the arts. "Let it collapse, we'll fix it later," and so on.

I hope my methods continue to bear the fruit these others have failed to, to interest people in the arts, to empower them to seek out the greats and perhaps become those greats, over wallowing in that aforementioned nihilism where nothing is real, therefore why bother at all. As I often say, you can't save the West with Monets alone, but you can make it a brighter place.

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Mar 7Liked by Conundrum Cluster

It really is difficult to grasp the situation we find ourselves in now, but it’s good to know that other cultures/people have experienced something very similar, even if it didn’t work out for them. Important lessons for today

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Mar 8Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Remember that wishing people would die and celebrating people's deaths for not wearing a mask or getting vaccinated was a mainstream opinion in 2020-2021. I remember feeling particularly blackpilled after reading the comments on a Facebook obituary for a conservative guy who had passed away. Apparently he had posted something on Facebook about not wanting to get the COVID vaccine. That was all, no attacks against people who got vaccinated, just his own opinion about not wanting to get an experimental vaccine for a very survivable and mild virus. The comments on the obituary were some of the most heinous, despicable, inhumane, and venomous I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing. Literally hundreds of comments with gifs of people dancing and cheering, sarcastic emojis, celebrating "one less MAGAT in the world", and all sorts of other reprehensible bile directed at this deceased man. He died of a heart attack completely unrelated to COVID, and yet these sickening creeps came out of the darkness like cockroaches to lambast this complete stranger over something so trivial.

When I clicked on the profiles of people making these disturbing comments, I saw that they were being made by not just edgy leftoid college kids, but a lot of normal-looking people from different backgrounds. I saw a grocery store clerk, a bus driver, a bar owner, a carpenter, a software engineer, a retired Air Force colonel, and all kinds of people from varied backgrounds participating in this mass desecration of a deceased individual's memory. I had seen a lot of things I never thought I'd see during the 2020 riots, but I rationalized that most of the antisocial behavior was being perpetrated by the same Antifa and other far-left losers and freaks. I never suspected that so many of my "fellow Americans" were prepared to spit and dance on my grave because someone on the T.V told them to. You don't need to start seeing everyone around you as an enemy combatant, but remember to play your cards close to your chest and keep in mind that people will act in all kinds of irrational and crazy ways because of programming.

With that said, I am surprised at the reversal I am seeing throughout progressive bastions recently. My girlfriend is a former Occupy Democrats-following, Buzzfeed-watching turbonormie, but she has quit the left following the trans-mania we've been seeing in the past couple years. She now watches Daily Wire and PragerU, and I didn't force her to watch or anything, she just naturally gravitated towards them. My parents are wealthy Democrat donors who typically donate the max amount to every Democrat candidate, but haven't donated one cent to Biden and have told me that they're not voting for him because of how he's left the border wide open and let fentanyl run rampant in our cities (and I actually got my dad to agree that the open borders policy is intentional). So, psychic damage can be reversed, but beware of people who might come across as respectable on the surface but are hiding their toxic programming underneath, like sleeper agents.

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Mar 7Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Incredible article. Hope you write a book someday- the analysis on display here is off the chain. You earned the $5.

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Mar 7Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Needed this one, keep up the great work man. Onward!

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Mar 7Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Sir, please keep the politics to minimum. I’m here for the movie list and movie list ONLY

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Apr 24Liked by Conundrum Cluster

I saw this reposted by another source (the blaze reposted on twitter I think), and I re-read it. You are a scholar and a gentleman, sir

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May I reccomend these two essays also. I think they relate in a way with your article.



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Mar 8Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Marists always destroy the economy before achieving their goals. We have documented over 80 failures in the last century. Never give a monkey a loaded gun.

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Mar 7Liked by Conundrum Cluster

People respond to doomscrolling and gloom, but they only change their behavior when they’re inspired by a positive vision.

Excellent piece, thanks for the suggestions at the end of it

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Apr 29Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Great piece. Another example you can add to your list with the Russian Civil War was the Irish Revolution. I just finished a book called “Guerrilla Days in Ireland,” and at the end of the conflict, it was (in large part) a small, extremely disciplined 300 person flying column in County Cork that brought the British to the negotiating table in spite of 12k troops in the same county.

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