Excellent piece. Thank you as always for emphasizing institutional involvement. Analysis re: avoiding pandering to non-whites is exactly right. Note that national GOP (always desperate to do the wrong thing) said Youngkin's win was due to Asian / Indian parents getting angry about wokeism in NOVA schools. Couldn't be more inaccurate -- it was rural whites angry about restrictions on gun rights that carried him. County and some state parties are on board with your approach; let's hope Trump is too this time
PS: Your brief celebration of McKinley is misguided! But didn't want to say this above to detract from the much deserved priase
Lots of similarities between his admin and W era GOP. (Karl rove even wrote a bio of him!) very pro immigration, w lots of pro pluralism rhetoric. Econ approach of minimal regulation was most beneficial to trusts and financial industry; not as helpful to smaller regional biz getting squeezed by their pricing / competition (to be fair tariff policy and gold standard helped all biz tho regardless of size). FP was expansionist; did we really need to take over the Philippines? Even tho Bryans Econ policies would have been bad, his coalition and rhetoric is more Trump esque; McKinley more like the GOP establishment today
To respond to those critiques as someone who is more knowledgeable on modern day politics and less on history, I agree on your assessment on immigration though it depends on the actual scale of how many people were coming in rather than his personal enthusiasm. Where I would disagree would be I see no reason why the federal executive of the government should be trying to "protect" small businesses nor do I think it would work to aid those businesses. Plus technology always is going to be disruptive and in the long run average worker and owner will be materially better off. On the foreign policy angle, you can be anti-expansionist and it seems like McKinley recognized some critiques on the Philippines(1), but Trump very much intended to be "expansionist". He talked about annexing Greenland and some advisors supported a long-term vision with an American colony on the Moon. I don't know much about Bryan aside from his speech. Could be lib-BS but seems McKinley's death gave cover to move away from pro-immigration values(2). I suppose that does mirror Bush's involvement in 9/11 ironically. Anyway, I hope you or the original author write some articles about Right Wing American heroes and people that aren't taught in the sad state of public education. Many of us know about the presidents, but America must have more interesting people who were not politicians.
Excellent post. I like to say that the Palace of fine arts in SF is the ruins of a once great civilization. But perhaps it can be re-discovered and re-embraced.
An idea for something a post-America identity to coalesce around: Rene Girard's Scapegoat Theory posits that ancient cities formed around the exclusion of one, one that answers for the sins of the people by blood. While it is incomplete, because another method of identity is the marriage of two from distinct groups (the prime example would be Ferdinand and Isabella), I imagine that an excellent scapegoat would be pedophiles. There has been so much ire in religious and atheistic groups of the actions of the devils, and though the transgender crowd is onboard with medical castration of minors, rape is rape. The scapegoat needs to be sacrificed, and it needs to be ritualistic. A public execution performed by authorities of the State will set the absolute limit of acceptable behavior. The sliced neck will be the chasm by which a post-American identity knows, "Here is our limits. Our center is somewhere within these bounds."
Meh, LABELS - "American", name by some purported Italian explorer/navigator from the Republic of Genoa. TOTAL media/Herd-programming BS! Every Man/WOman being "manifested" into this very dimensionally-limited "existence" are "identified" by what?
Need more emergency whitepill airlifts, very cool!
Excellent piece. Thank you as always for emphasizing institutional involvement. Analysis re: avoiding pandering to non-whites is exactly right. Note that national GOP (always desperate to do the wrong thing) said Youngkin's win was due to Asian / Indian parents getting angry about wokeism in NOVA schools. Couldn't be more inaccurate -- it was rural whites angry about restrictions on gun rights that carried him. County and some state parties are on board with your approach; let's hope Trump is too this time
PS: Your brief celebration of McKinley is misguided! But didn't want to say this above to detract from the much deserved priase
what was wrong with McKinley ?
Lots of similarities between his admin and W era GOP. (Karl rove even wrote a bio of him!) very pro immigration, w lots of pro pluralism rhetoric. Econ approach of minimal regulation was most beneficial to trusts and financial industry; not as helpful to smaller regional biz getting squeezed by their pricing / competition (to be fair tariff policy and gold standard helped all biz tho regardless of size). FP was expansionist; did we really need to take over the Philippines? Even tho Bryans Econ policies would have been bad, his coalition and rhetoric is more Trump esque; McKinley more like the GOP establishment today
To respond to those critiques as someone who is more knowledgeable on modern day politics and less on history, I agree on your assessment on immigration though it depends on the actual scale of how many people were coming in rather than his personal enthusiasm. Where I would disagree would be I see no reason why the federal executive of the government should be trying to "protect" small businesses nor do I think it would work to aid those businesses. Plus technology always is going to be disruptive and in the long run average worker and owner will be materially better off. On the foreign policy angle, you can be anti-expansionist and it seems like McKinley recognized some critiques on the Philippines(1), but Trump very much intended to be "expansionist". He talked about annexing Greenland and some advisors supported a long-term vision with an American colony on the Moon. I don't know much about Bryan aside from his speech. Could be lib-BS but seems McKinley's death gave cover to move away from pro-immigration values(2). I suppose that does mirror Bush's involvement in 9/11 ironically. Anyway, I hope you or the original author write some articles about Right Wing American heroes and people that aren't taught in the sad state of public education. Many of us know about the presidents, but America must have more interesting people who were not politicians.
Ref 1: https://www.americanyawp.com/reader/19-american-empire/william-mckinley-on-american-expanionism-1903/
2: https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/stu_hon_theses/620/
Excellent post. I like to say that the Palace of fine arts in SF is the ruins of a once great civilization. But perhaps it can be re-discovered and re-embraced.
Your replacements/gulag guards are pouring across the border in the MILLIONS. You are hated. Start training like it. (h/t @PNWGUERRILLA on YT)
> Although there were many factors contributing to Republicans’ loss in 2020,
And you completely ignore the elephant in the room, namely, election fraud.
Fraud was one of the many factors, but not relevant to the rest of the article
Yes, because abortion played a major role in the 2020 presidential election. </sarcasm>
Look I get it, you want to be able to have consequence-free sex and abortion bans are interfering with that.
An idea for something a post-America identity to coalesce around: Rene Girard's Scapegoat Theory posits that ancient cities formed around the exclusion of one, one that answers for the sins of the people by blood. While it is incomplete, because another method of identity is the marriage of two from distinct groups (the prime example would be Ferdinand and Isabella), I imagine that an excellent scapegoat would be pedophiles. There has been so much ire in religious and atheistic groups of the actions of the devils, and though the transgender crowd is onboard with medical castration of minors, rape is rape. The scapegoat needs to be sacrificed, and it needs to be ritualistic. A public execution performed by authorities of the State will set the absolute limit of acceptable behavior. The sliced neck will be the chasm by which a post-American identity knows, "Here is our limits. Our center is somewhere within these bounds."
Meh, LABELS - "American", name by some purported Italian explorer/navigator from the Republic of Genoa. TOTAL media/Herd-programming BS! Every Man/WOman being "manifested" into this very dimensionally-limited "existence" are "identified" by what?