Oct 24, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

I’m not sure that kidnapping my family members and leaving a note telling me to subscribe if I ever wanted to see them again is the best way to increase readership.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Then again I’m still here so maybe you were onto something

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Poso posted one of your articles on Telegram. How did you get him in your corner?

I enjoyed your commentary and receipts of leftists' untimely demise. Commentary is always spot on. Keep it up!

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Keep the quality posts coming. I get frustrated when substacks start out well, I subscribe my 5 bucks a month, and then their posts go down to a trickle. I don't think it's malicious, but just fatigue and the loss of novelty in the author.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

I was told there would be a movie list.

I like all the articles so far and am looking forward to the conclusion of the Red Scare series. So far my subscription has been worth it.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Rather than reply to your dastardly inquisition, I'll just say (in seriousness): you're clearly a talented guy and naturally want to devote energy to "permanent" work - your analysis of the early labor movement and its intersection with socialism and anarchy, etc. - but your insight as a topical commenter is really top-notch and I think you'd be foolish to abjure it.

Like any dissident group with its hothouse atmosphere, the twitter NRx scene has the tendency to spiral off in a thousand squirrelly directions and I've found your steadying commentary on daily events a useful ballast. So even if you devote the 'stack's energy largely elsewhere, I hope you don't leave that field fallow. :)

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How did you hear about this Substack?

From the original Mystery Grove account

What has been your favorite article so far?

"Grab the Revolution by the Throat"

How would you describe this Substack to a friend?

A review of revolutionaries past and present, their tactics, and the efforts to defeat thereof.

What do you want to see more of?

Passages on forgotten or memory-holed chapters of history. I had only the shallowest awareness of the first Red Scare in the 1920s, and I didn't know who Clarence Darrow was at all before your article. I'd appreciate hearing more about history I didn't even know I should be looking into.

What don’t you really care about?

The more mundane accounts of contemporary leftist footsoldiers who did crime and "got away with it" are important to document for posterity, but the details of their cases are not something I care to read about closely. I usually skim those updates.

Is there anything new that you’d like to see in the future?

I think a collaboration with other creators on our side of the fence might prove fruitful. I know Charlemagne released a book review of the Polar Bear expeditionary force to Russia contemporaneously with your account of the Kolchak government in Siberia, some sort of joint discussion on your respective readings might have been interesting to see.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

How did you hear about this Substack?

- I followed your old Mystery Grove account on Twitter.

What has been your favorite article so far?

- Probably about the real history behind the Bonus Army

How would you describe this Substack to a friend?

- Dangerous and forbidden.

What do you want to see more of?

- History from a new perspective. You're great at that.

What don’t you really care about?

- I like everything I've read so far.

Is there anything new that you’d like to see in the future?

- You post at an incredible rate, so rather than see you get burned out, I wouldn't mind if you cut it down to an article a week. I read everything you write and it's always a real highlight of my day. But I'd feel like I was getting my money's worth even with just one article a week.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

I like your Russian History :), btw did you see Tucker Carlson speaking about Pyotr Wrangel? Mystery Grove would’ve loved this 🥲

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Heard about you from twitter

Like the historical articles best, great to read about lesser studied periods of history and contextualize them in present day America. No one else is doing this, and it’s what makes your substack stand out.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

1: I think i got a link over telegram when you first started. As i supported your previous work, i decided to follow.

2: I greatly enjoy your articles on past crimes by the leftist movement in the USA, as well as your work showing how leftism today utilizes organization and systemic power in ways that the right remains unwilling or unable to understand.

3: I have described it using the focus on my answer for #2

4: Along with the focus on how the modern left flexes power, It would be helpful to have some articles with constructive actionable things that we could be doing to help our own situation. I know thats a big ask, but its something sorely lacking on the right beyond "move to the country, start a farm, lift weights and have kids".

5: I dont care about watching movies or playing video games. Just not my thing.

6: Something on Macarthy and the 1950s anti communist efforts as well as the lefts counter attack would be very interesting.

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

How did you hear about this Substack?

From you pulling a Glock 19x on me on Twitter

What has been your favorite article so far?

The bonus army stuff and the ones about needing to create a positive vision

How would you describe this Substack to a friend?

realest nwah around no cap frfr

What do you want to see more of?

My family who has been kidnapped I miss my wife and kids man can i please see them i'll buy your books damn it

More articles on positive visions moving forward

What don’t you really care about?

Nothing, I like all of these articles

Is there anything new that you’d like to see in the future?

Mystery Grove on twitter back

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

Heard about it through Twitter dot com. I think my favorite articles are the one on history, that's always been your niche I feel. I also enjoy the movie and game nights, I'm here for a good time.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

I'm rather new to subscribing to your stack but I can say that the historical articles were what sold me. I always knew Darrow was a bastard but not to what extent. Keep up the excellent work there. I like the link summaries . Sounding off on a current hot crisis is always good.

Not a big fan of anything lengthy on leftists getting off. We all know the system is rigged.

I found you through recommended subscriptions.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

How did you hear about this Substack?

Mystery Grove Twitter.

What has been your favorite article so far?

I particularly liked your "How to Read History" article - gets into the importance of primary sources and biases within them.

How would you describe this Substack to a friend?

A realist look at contemporary politics and history.

What do you want to see more of?

I particularly like your historical articles. I'm no expert in early-20th century U.S. history, but I'd like a bit more on the primary and secondary sources that you're basing your analysis off of.

What don’t you really care about?

I think you've gone in for some cheap shots against DeSantis. Should be pointing out ways to build.

Is there anything new that you’d like to see in the future?

I think you can go a bit further back in time wrt left-wing violence in American history. If you haven't read it yet, Timothy Messer-Kruse's "The Trial of the Haymarket Bombers" is right up your alley.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

I like long form content written by half Japanese HAPA manic pixie dream girls that ccw a .380 pistol. So subbing to this was a no brainier for me.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Conundrum Cluster

I followed immediately after you started, just now upgraded to paid as I believe you deserve it.

I'm not sure if the same person is behind this substack who was running the Mystery Grove twitter, but that's where I heard of you. If so, the movie recommendations list is great. I also bought Always with honor a few months ago and really enjoyed it.

The history articles are really interesting even though I haven't had a chance to read the subscriber only ones yet.

The political commentary is really good. I don't read all of it as I try to avoid having my political perspective dominated by US politics.

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