Yes, I'll have a series of posts on individual books going up soon. The release schedule is just too crowded now lol. Too much happening in current events.
Jewish Loot and Neglected Fruit: How the Mainstream Right Serves Jews and Betrays Whites . . .
❝“Low-hanging fruit!” cry deluded right-wingers all over the West. “Why doesn’t my favored party on the mainstream right pluck that fruit and defeat the left?” Well, they’ve been crying that for decades and will still be crying it when the left pack them off to a slave-labor camp or an organic gas-chamber. Some of those right-wingers are too stupid to see the truth; some are too frightened to admit it. Their favored party on the mainstream right doesn’t pluck the low-hanging fruit because it doesn’t want to defeat the left. And it doesn’t want to defeat the left because it is the left. That is, it’s financed and controlled by Jews who support the left and its anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-Western agenda.❞
I can't comment on your post about the Bonus Marchers, but I will say this...YOU are DEAD wrong. The propaganda that you are claiming is the truth is just that PROPAGANDA. "They" want us to believe what you posted and it is a nothing but nonsense. FACT:
You can't comment on the post because you're not a paid subscriber, which means you couldn't actually read the article you're responding to. That article includes a quote from one of the lead organizers of the Bonus March (a Communist Party USA employee) admitting that the communists facilitated the entire thing. You're a fucking idiot. Keep consuming slop history from shitlib DOD-propaganda outlets.
Well for some reason I was able to READ the whole article but not post a response. My response is in my notes today. As for being a fucking idiot? Well that must be the reason you write about US history from some place in Guatemala. Because you're so well read. As for consuming SLOP history, you're at the top of the list. I suspect the US Constitution was a communist plot too? And I suspect you're so well versed in communism that this never occurred to you...
"I was ordered by my Red superiors to provoke riots… I was told to use every trick to bring about bloodshed in the hopes that President Hoover would be forced to call out the Army… The Communists didn’t care how many veterans were killed. I was told that Moscow had ordered riots and bloodshed in hopes that this might set off the revolution."
- John Pace, leader of the leftwing contingent of the Bonus March
I like how the Task and Purpose article you posted doesn't bother to mention that the troops were only called in after several thousand Bonus Marchers began to attack police
And I'm sure he had no reason to lie about it. To make everyone "believe" that the communists were behind it. I guess General Smedly Butler was just a dupe. Yeah, right. The POLICE started attacking Bonus Marchers not the other way around. They defended themselves. And those slime in government back then are just as bad or worse than those administering it today. I've read a LOT about that situation. As for there being a left wing contingent? Maybe they were there just to help things get nasty so people would be pissed at those in power. Think about it...who profited? It sure wasn't General Butler.
WIKI actually has one of the most accurate descriptions that I had ever read about it. READ close, especially about the police shooting at protesters and two dying from wounds.
The communists profited. They were able to use the fake controversy created around this event to get FDR elected. Butler was a useful idiot for the communists. He openly advocated for socialism.
Lol at squatters “defending themselves” from a lawful eviction by attacking workmen and police officers
Lawful eviction? Ever read the 1st amendment to the bill of rights? Oh wait, you're from Guatemala. You don't have a 1st amendment. But you do have substack where you can shine your ignorance to the world on a daily or hourly basis. YEAH!!!!
Do you have a list of book recommendations?
Yes, I'll have a series of posts on individual books going up soon. The release schedule is just too crowded now lol. Too much happening in current events.
Jewish Loot and Neglected Fruit: How the Mainstream Right Serves Jews and Betrays Whites . . .
❝“Low-hanging fruit!” cry deluded right-wingers all over the West. “Why doesn’t my favored party on the mainstream right pluck that fruit and defeat the left?” Well, they’ve been crying that for decades and will still be crying it when the left pack them off to a slave-labor camp or an organic gas-chamber. Some of those right-wingers are too stupid to see the truth; some are too frightened to admit it. Their favored party on the mainstream right doesn’t pluck the low-hanging fruit because it doesn’t want to defeat the left. And it doesn’t want to defeat the left because it is the left. That is, it’s financed and controlled by Jews who support the left and its anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-Western agenda.❞
I can't comment on your post about the Bonus Marchers, but I will say this...YOU are DEAD wrong. The propaganda that you are claiming is the truth is just that PROPAGANDA. "They" want us to believe what you posted and it is a nothing but nonsense. FACT:
You can't comment on the post because you're not a paid subscriber, which means you couldn't actually read the article you're responding to. That article includes a quote from one of the lead organizers of the Bonus March (a Communist Party USA employee) admitting that the communists facilitated the entire thing. You're a fucking idiot. Keep consuming slop history from shitlib DOD-propaganda outlets.
Well for some reason I was able to READ the whole article but not post a response. My response is in my notes today. As for being a fucking idiot? Well that must be the reason you write about US history from some place in Guatemala. Because you're so well read. As for consuming SLOP history, you're at the top of the list. I suspect the US Constitution was a communist plot too? And I suspect you're so well versed in communism that this never occurred to you...
"I was ordered by my Red superiors to provoke riots… I was told to use every trick to bring about bloodshed in the hopes that President Hoover would be forced to call out the Army… The Communists didn’t care how many veterans were killed. I was told that Moscow had ordered riots and bloodshed in hopes that this might set off the revolution."
- John Pace, leader of the leftwing contingent of the Bonus March
I like how the Task and Purpose article you posted doesn't bother to mention that the troops were only called in after several thousand Bonus Marchers began to attack police
And I'm sure he had no reason to lie about it. To make everyone "believe" that the communists were behind it. I guess General Smedly Butler was just a dupe. Yeah, right. The POLICE started attacking Bonus Marchers not the other way around. They defended themselves. And those slime in government back then are just as bad or worse than those administering it today. I've read a LOT about that situation. As for there being a left wing contingent? Maybe they were there just to help things get nasty so people would be pissed at those in power. Think about it...who profited? It sure wasn't General Butler.
WIKI actually has one of the most accurate descriptions that I had ever read about it. READ close, especially about the police shooting at protesters and two dying from wounds.
The communists profited. They were able to use the fake controversy created around this event to get FDR elected. Butler was a useful idiot for the communists. He openly advocated for socialism.
Lol at squatters “defending themselves” from a lawful eviction by attacking workmen and police officers
The warmed over decades old leftist propaganda to newest right wing hot take pipeline is a thing to behold.
They must have done something to make it that THIS is reality...PROVE ME WRONG.
Lawful eviction? Ever read the 1st amendment to the bill of rights? Oh wait, you're from Guatemala. You don't have a 1st amendment. But you do have substack where you can shine your ignorance to the world on a daily or hourly basis. YEAH!!!!